Lutte contre la soumission chimique : prévention, drogué à son insu, procès Mazan, Caroline Darian, Sandrine Josso, Gisèle Pelicot, Maîté Meus, Balancetonbar, sécurité et dépistage.

The fight against chemical submission: a crucial issue for prevention

Chemical submission is a real scourge that unfortunately affects a large number of people, often without their knowledge. It involves administering psychoactive substances without the victim's consent, with the aim of making them vulnerable, often to commit assaults. This practice is a "perfect crime" according to Sandrine Josso, MP for Loire-Atlantique, as it is so difficult to identify the perpetrators and prove their existence. Sandrine Josso has been reappointed in her mission of prevention against chemical submission in order to continue to raise awareness and support victims.

A mission of prevention and support for victims

This scourge is the subject of particular attention from the public authorities, who wish to strengthen prevention and care for victims. Sandrine Josso, with the support of the government, has been mandated to relaunch a fact-finding mission on chemical submission, following its interruption during the dissolution of the National Assembly in the summer of 2024. Accompanied by Senator Véronique Guillotin, Josso is working to raise awareness among the population and improve recognition of victims.

This mission aims in particular to educate and inform health professionals and law enforcement to better recognize symptoms and respond quickly to reports. Indeed, victims of chemical submission must be believed and supported, not only by the justice system, but also by society as a whole.

Prevention at the heart of our commitment

For AMA Prevention, we believe that prevention also involves better detection of substances in everyday situations, whether it is road safety or in the workplace. Our saliva and urine screening tests are designed to provide rapid and reliable detection, thus preventing risky situations and ensuring everyone's safety.

Our commitment in 2024

In 2024, AMA Prevention carried out several concrete actions to combat chemical submission and raise awareness among the general public. We distributed free of charge more than 800 glass protection hoods, 1000 DrinkSafe GHB Detector tests for drinks, 200 cup holders with AMA Prevention glass protection, 300 multi-substance urine screening tests and 500 breathalyzers.

These actions have helped prevent potential risks and ensure better security during public events or in private settings. More and more people are now aware of the risks of chemical submission, thanks to the commitment of figures such as Sandrine Josso, Caroline Darian, Josiane Pélicot, as well as associations such as "M'endors pas" and the "Balance ton bar" movement, initiated by Maïté Meus.

Towards a safer society

Faced with a phenomenon as insidious as chemical submission, it is essential to strengthen awareness and prevention methods. Sandrine Josso advocates for a renewal of this mission so that France can set an example in the fight against this form of violence. At AMA Prevention, we are committed to offering concrete and accessible solutions for effective prevention.

If you are a victim or witness of a suspicious situation, do not hesitate to speak out and seek help from the authorities. Every act of prevention can make a difference.

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