Chemical Submission
Pack Soumission Chimique : jusqu'à 500 produits détectés
Pack Soumission Chimique : Une solution complète pour une prévention optimale L'actualité et la nécessité de mesures renforcées Récemment, de nombreux faits divers ont mis en lumière l'augmentation des cas...
Les tests Drugdiag® : Une détection de centaines de produits pour prévenir la soumission chimique
Des tests Drugdiag® pour détecter plusieurs centaines de produits différents : un outil indispensable contre la soumission chimique La soumission chimique, ce phénomène insidieux où des substances psychoactives sont administrées...
Chemical submission: a little-known scourge denounced by Sandrine Josso
On November 14, the Modem MP for Loire-Atlantique, Sandrine Josso, went from an evening of celebration to an unexpected trauma. Declaring that she had been a victim of chemical submission,...
Capote2Verre: The story of a creator committed to the safety of festive evenings
In a world where festive evenings should be synonymous with pleasure and carefree living, an insidious danger looms: chemical submission. It is in the face of this threat that Tanguy...
New platform for victims of chemical submission
Faced with the worrying increase in cases of chemical submission, a new platform has just been launched to help victims. Managed by the Reference Center on Substance-Facilitated Assaults (CRAFS), this...
The fight against chemical submission: a crucial issue for prevention
Chemical submission is a real scourge that unfortunately affects a large number of people, often without their knowledge. It involves administering psychoactive substances without the victim's consent, with the aim...