Drugs and Public Health

Buddha Blue (PTC) : Tout ce que les parents doivent savoir sur ce cannabinoïde de synthèse dangereux

Buddha Blue (PTC): Everything Parents Need to K...

In recent years, Buddha Blue – also known as PTC or Pète ton crâne – has become a substance of concern among adolescents. This synthetic cannabinoid, often consumed via electronic...

Combien de temps la drogue reste dans l'organisme : test salivaire drogue, dépistage THC, durée détection stupéfiants, prévention et sécurité routière.

How long does the drug stay in our body?

Have you ever wondered how long drugs stay in our body? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll explore the essential facts about how long...

Bond de la consommation de drogues dures en France : test salivaire drogue, test urinaires de dépistage, prévention, sécurité routière, cocaïne, héroïne, THC, lutte contre les stupéfiants.

Hard drug use surges in France

A surge in consumption France is experiencing a significant increase in the use of hard drugs. According to recent reports, cocaine, heroin and ecstasy are increasingly being used. Cocaine: A...

Usage de Kleaner pour la conduite : inefficacité prouvée, test salivaire drogue, dépistage THC, police, gendarmerie, implications juridiques, sécurité routière, prévention stupéfiants.

Using Kleaner for Driving: Proven Ineffectivene...

Kleaner, often marketed as a solution to cheating on saliva drug tests, is largely ineffective according to several studies. This product, presented in the form of an anti-THC spray, has...

Adolescent pensif assis dans une pièce sombre, symbolisant les effets préoccupants de la consommation quotidienne de cannabis sur la jeunesse.

What are the Lasting Effects of Daily Cannabis ...

Daily cannabis use among adolescents is a concerning topic that deserves special attention. As society evolves and attitudes toward cannabis change, it is imperative to understand the long-term implications of...

Photo d'une tribu d'afrique

Drugs: From Sacred Rituals to the Consumer Society

Since time immemorial, drugs have had a place in ancient cultures, used primarily for traditional purposes. The changes in consciousness caused by psychotropic plants were an integral part of sacred...