Le procès des viols de Mazan : Quand la soumission chimique devient une arme silencieuse

The Mazan Rape Trial: When Chemical Submission Becomes a Silent Weapon

The Mazan rape trial, currently taking place in Avignon, is one of the most significant in recent years. It highlights a terrifying case of chemical submission, orchestrated by a pensioner, Dominique P., who drugged his wife for nearly ten years to render her unconscious and allow dozens of men to rape her. This tragedy defies imagination and reveals the ravages of an insidious criminal method, still too little recognized: the use of drugs to disarm victims.

#MendorsPas: A cry of alarm against chemical submission

The #MendorsPas movement, although not initiated by AMA Prevention , is an initiative that we actively support. This hashtag was born out of a desire to raise awareness of chemical submission, a practice that involves using substances such as anxiolytics to plunge victims into a state of total vulnerability. This type of violence is not just an isolated phenomenon: it is on the rise and is spreading in a variety of contexts, from student parties to domestic rapes, such as those committed in Mazan.

The #MendorsPas campaign calls for increased vigilance. While these drugs can be discreetly slipped into a drink, as in the case of rapes in party settings, they can also be administered regularly by a loved one, making detection even more complex, as was the case for the victim in Mazan. This is why it is essential to promote education, prevention and daily protection measures.

Caroline Darian's moving testimony

This trial takes a particularly emotional turn with the testimony of Caroline Darian , the daughter of the main accused. In her book, she recounts the horror of discovering that her own father is at the heart of this rape case. Caroline Darian denounces not only her father's actions, but also the psychological impact that this had on her and her family. This is a crucial testimony that brings a human dimension to this case, and reminds us that the collateral victims of sexual violence also suffer profound trauma.

Reading this book, which we analyzed in this article , we understand the importance of breaking the silence and supporting the families devastated by these acts. Caroline Darian embodies a figure of resistance, despite the immense personal pain.

Why it is vital to protect yourself from chemical submission

This case is a reminder of how crucial it is to protect yourself against chemical submission. There are concrete ways to minimize the risks: never leave your drink unattended, be attentive to signs of vulnerability in your loved ones and, above all, raise awareness of these criminal practices. At AMA Prevention , we have set up several tools to inform you about the risks associated with drugs and the means of protection.

This trial is not just a legal case; it is also a stark reminder that chemical submission can affect anyone, in any context. Vigilance, education, and solidarity are our best weapons to fight these insidious crimes. Together, we must ensure that victims no longer remain silent and that society remains vigilant.


The Mazan rape trial exposes the brutal reality of drug-facilitated sexual violence, a phenomenon that society needs to take more seriously. With the support of the #MendorsPas movement and the courage of victims like Caroline Darian , we are able to raise awareness and prevent these crimes. Never let your vigilance fall asleep; stay informed and protect yourself.

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