Pourquoi les chiffres sur la soumission chimique au GHB ne sont pas fiables ?

Why are the figures on chemical submission to GHB unreliable?

Chemical subjugation is a serious criminal practice that involves the use of drugs to coerce or abuse a person without their knowledge. One of the most commonly used drugs for chemical submission is GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) , also known as the "date rape drug." Although chemical submission to GHB is a practice of grave concern, figures on its prevalence and incidence are often unreliable.
In this article, we will examine why the numbers on chemical submission to GHB are unreliable.


One of the main reasons why GHB chemical submission figures are unreliable is under-reporting. Chemical submission is often difficult to detect and report because it often involves the use of drugs without the victim's consent. Victims may have difficulty remembering events or identifying the cause of their symptoms.

Additionally, stigma and shame may prevent victims from reporting the incident. As a result, many cases of chemical exposure to GHB are never reported and therefore do not appear in official statistics.

The difficulty in distinguishing cases of voluntary consumption

GHB is often consumed recreationally in party settings, which can make it difficult to distinguish cases of voluntary consumption from those of chemical submission. People may use GHB voluntarily for its euphoric and disinhibiting effects, but may also fall victim to chemical subjugation. This makes it difficult to identify cases of chemical submission to GHB in official statistics.

Lack of reliable information

GHB is a relatively new and poorly studied drug, making it difficult to obtain reliable information on its use and effects. Studies on the subject are limited and results may vary depending on the populations studied. Additionally, GHB is often used with other drugs, making it difficult to determine the specific impact of GHB on chemical submission cases.

The circumstances of the crime

Chemical submission is often a criminal act committed by trusted people, such as friends or partners, which can make it difficult to identify the perpetrators. Victims may be reluctant to report the incident because it could lead to the breakdown of their relationship with the perpetrator or other negative consequences.
Additionally, perpetrators may be reluctant to admit guilt and cooperate with police investigations, which can make it difficult to collect accurate data on GHB chemical exposure .

Differences between jurisdictions

Chemical submission laws and legal procedures vary greatly from country to country and even jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This can make it difficult to compare figures between countries or regions. Differences in legal definitions of chemical submission can also affect the numbers.
For example, some countries do not consider chemical submission a separate crime, but rather a form of rape or sexual assault. This can make it difficult to collect accurate data on chemical submission to GHB .

The reliability of screening tests

GHB is quickly metabolized in the body, making it difficult to detect its presence after a while. Tests for GHB are not always reliable, especially if taken several hours after consumption.
Additionally, GHB can be produced naturally in the body at very low levels, which can make it difficult to distinguish between voluntary consumption and chemical submission .

Analyze to Act: The Importance of Analyzes in the Fight Against Chemical Submission

Violence linked to chemical submission is often “ completely undervalued ” in society, thus underlining the crucial importance of analyzes in the fight against this scourge. These analyzes are the crux of the matter, making it possible to provide tangible bases for suspicions that were previously difficult to verify. Caty Richard, lawyer for Caroline Darian and advocate for many victims of chemical submission, emphasizes the need for everyone, whether family members, friends or medical professionals, to be alert to signs such as dizziness, memory loss or absences, which may indicate possible chemical submission. She pleads for analyzes to be systematically carried out in case of doubt.
To detect this chemical submission , blood and urine tests should be performed within the first hours or even days after the suspected ingestion of substances. Even if this deadline has passed, the possibility of testing hair up to three to five weeks after the alleged incident offers an additional chance of detecting the presence of harmful substances. This rigorous approach is essential to provide justice and support to victims, as well as to deter perpetrators.


In conclusion, the figures on chemical submission to GHB are unreliable due to various factors, including under-reporting, difficulty in distinguishing cases of voluntary consumption, lack of reliable information on GHB , circumstances of crime, differences between jurisdictions and the reliability of drug tests.
It is important to continue to educate the public and healthcare professionals about chemical submission and work to improve data collection methods to better understand the prevalence and incidence of this phenomenon.
Victims should be encouraged to report incidents of chemical submission , so that they can receive the help and support they need to recover from the traumatic experience they suffered.
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