Femme qui tient en main une plaquette de médicaments

#Mendorspas: The many facets of chemical submission

Medicinal Substances: A Sneaky Weapon

Beyond the notoriety of GHB and illicit drugs , these are the medicinal substances that are most frequently used, sometimes with or without a prescription. Anxiolytics , hypnotics or antiallergics , for example, are often diverted from their therapeutic use for their sedative properties, offering attackers an insidious method to put their victims to sleep. In addition to their ability to induce deep sleep, these medications can also induce amnesia, thus erasing memories of the attacks suffered.

Diversity of Aggressions: Beyond Sexual Violence

These attacks are not limited to sexual violence such as marital or incestuous rape, but also include acts of theft, extortion of inheritance, physical violence, mistreatment, and even human trafficking.

Supply Made Easy: The Use of Family Medicine Cabinets

The storage of these drugs in family medicine cabinets constitutes an easy source of supply for attackers, who use different means to drug their victims.

The Dangerous Routine: Repeated Medication Administration

This repeated or prolonged administration of medications without the victims' knowledge creates a dangerous routine, seriously endangering their health.

The Concealment of Chemical Submission in the Private Sphere

While free speech has highlighted attacks facilitated by drugs in party environments with movements like #BalanceTonBar , chemical submission in the private sphere often remains hidden.

Public Health Issue: Risks and Consequences

However, this form of violence is a major public health issue. In addition to serious health risks such as falls, comas or unwanted pregnancies, prolonged exposure to these substances can lead to a multitude of neurological disorders, sleep disturbances, and even road accidents.

The Path to Recognition: Multiplication of Medical Consultations

Faced with these symptoms and the lack of awareness of the violence suffered, many victims find themselves multiplying medical consultations in search of an elusive diagnosis.

Specialized Support: The Importance of Breaking the Silence

The psychological impact of becoming aware of this violence is considerable and requires specialized care. It is essential to break the silence around this form of violence in order to better protect individuals against its insidious dangers and devastating consequences.

Chemical Submission: A Little-Known Threat That Strikes All Profiles

Chemical submission
, a silent scourge that affects many victim profiles, remains largely unknown and underestimated in France. Women, sometimes men, but also children, infants and even the elderly are the targets, regardless of their social background.

This insidious phenomenon is characterized by the administration of psychoactive substances without the victims' knowledge or under threat, with the aim of committing crimes or misdemeanors. Contrary to popular belief, chemical submission is not limited to the use of GHB , often called the " rapist drug ." The substances used are mainly medications such as sleeping pills , sedatives , anxiolytics or antihistamines , among others.

It is important to emphasize that chemical submission is not limited to festive environments. According to the latest national survey carried out by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), the close circle, whether family, professional or friendly, is often involved in these attacks. Victims are generally vulnerable people, sometimes mistreated or abused, repeatedly and for a long time.

As with other forms of inner circle aggression, victims of chemical submission often find themselves trapped in control and fear of social and familial consequences. In this context, the difficulty in clearly remembering the events and the attackers, as well as the lack of awareness of the symptoms, further complicate the recognition of their victim status.

As for the exact number of victims of chemical submission in France, it remains difficult to establish due to the low level of judicialization of cases and the obstacles linked to the collection of evidence. However, an annual prospective vigilance survey carried out by the ANSM since 2003 makes it possible to monitor the criminal use of psychoactive substances and to draw up a portrait of the victims and their attackers. This investigation reveals a diversity of victim profiles, ranging from women to men, from children to the elderly, all of whom are potentially exposed to this type of attack.

It is urgent to raise public awareness of this problem and to strengthen the means of prevention and care for victims. Only collective mobilization can effectively combat this scourge and provide support and justice to those affected by chemical submission.

A Strong Political Commitment: Sandrine Josso and #MendorsNot united against Chemical Submission

The commitment of Sandrine Josso , MP for Loire-Atlantique, alongside the #MendorsPas association, demonstrates a strong political will to fight against chemical submission in the private sphere. In partnership with this association, the objective is to concretely optimize the care of victims of this insidious scourge. #MendorsPas's mission is to raise public awareness of this issue and provide essential information on chemical submission, while organizing prevention and protection actions. From a general interest perspective, the association attaches great importance to universal access to its activities, maintaining a non-profit, secular and apartisan character. This initiative is the fruit of the eponymous movement initiated by Caroline Darian , supported by committed personalities such as Dr Ghada Hatem-Gantzer , Dr Leila Chaouachi , Arnaud Gallais and Arielle Schwab . Together, they work to make the voices of victims heard and to put in place concrete measures aimed at preventing and combating chemical subjugation in our society.

An online petition is available by following this link:

Don't leave chemical submission victims in a black hole

Precautions to Take in the Event of Confirmed or Suspected Assault:

In the case of a proven or suspected assault, it is crucial to take certain precautions to preserve the elements that can be used in the investigation and your medical care.

- Keep the suspected vector(s), such as drinks or food, which may have been contaminated with chemicals.

- Also keep any suspected chemical agent, whether a product or a drug, to facilitate subsequent analyses.

- Preserve your hair, as chemical submission agents are quickly eliminated from blood and urine, but can be detected in hair for a longer period. Be careful not to cut, dye, bleach or harshly treat them.

All of these elements will be valuable if you choose to file a complaint. To obtain more information or help, you can contact the Paris Addictovigilance Center on 01 40 05 42 70, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Whatever your decision, it is essential to consult a health professional, especially in the event of sexual assault. This will help assess risks, such as unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections. Free information, screening and diagnostic centers (CEGIDD) are available for specialized consultations.


Anonymous and free listening devices exist:

France Victim : 116,006 (7 days a week; 24 hours a day)

Violence against Women Info : 3919 (7 days a week; 24 hours a day)

Drugs Info Service : 0 800 23 13 13 (7 days a week; 8 a.m. - 2 a.m.)

Coralis Unit from the Women’s House of Saint Denis (93)


Contact without hesitation:

  • Police help  17
  • European emergency number 112
  • Emergency number for domestic violence and deaf or hard of hearing people  114 (by SMS )
  • Samu 15
  • Childhood in Danger 119


Since 2018, a national platform dedicated to reporting gender-based and sexual violence is also at your disposal for an instant interactive discussion (chat) with a trained police officer or gendarme, to receive precise information on your rights and to be reassured about the scope of the steps to take (7 days a week; 24 hours a day) 


On this platform, it is not obligatory to declare your identity.

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