Image d'un drapeau allemand avec une illustration d'une feuille de cannabis par rapport à la légalisation

Legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany: A new era begins

The German Bundestag took a historic step on Friday February 23 by voting in favor of legalizing cannabis for recreational use . This decision, which will come into force on April 1, marks a major turning point in German drug policy.

From this date, German residents aged over 21 and having resided in the country for at least six months will be allowed to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal use . In addition, they will be able to grow up to three cannabis plants at home and harvest the leaves for their own consumption. However, it will still be illegal to buy or sell cannabis , a restriction aimed at discouraging illegal trafficking.

This historic decision also paves the way for the creation of Cannabis Social Clubs , where members will be able to cultivate, share and consume cannabis within a legal and regulated framework. From July 1, everyone who prefers not to farm themselves will have the opportunity to join one of these clubs, which are already being established throughout the country. For many German citizens, this legalization marks the end of decades of fear of police or legal prosecution linked to cannabis consumption.

Michael Zoller, founder of the Cannabis Social Club in Krefeld , northern Germany, expresses relief at the decision: "This is the end of 34 years of fear of police or legal prosecution. In the club, some of our members are 70 or 80 years old, they have spent their lives in hiding. For me, this law will bring freedom, satisfaction and the joy of being able to freely consume cannabis .

This legalization is also seen as a step forward in drug policy reform in Germany, emphasizing harm reduction and protecting public health. Supporters of this measure argue that legalizing cannabis will allow better control of its quality and composition, thereby reducing risks for consumers.

However, critical voices are also being heard, fearing that this legalization will encourage an increase in cannabis use, particularly among young people. Measures will therefore be necessary to put in place strict regulations and awareness campaigns to minimize the undesirable effects of this new policy.

In conclusion, the legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany marks the beginning of a new era in the country's drug policy. While advocates celebrate a victory for individual freedom, challenges remain to ensure effective and responsible implementation of this historic measure.

Launch of Cannabis Social Clubs in July: A new era of sharing and culture

From July 1, Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCs) in Germany will be able to officially apply for a license to operate legally. These clubs, which can have up to a maximum of 500 members, will provide a space where participants can grow cannabis plants together and share harvests among members. Joining a CSC involves signing a contract, with a registration fee of 90 euros and an annual membership fee of 60 euros for CSC-Krefeld (each club determines its own operating costs). For the moment, CSC-Krefeld has decided not to accept members under the age of 21 due to the difficulties in limiting the percentage of THC in the plants.

The law also requires each member of the CSC to devote between four and five hours per week to club activities, whether by taking care of the plants, participating in administrative tasks or providing help on social networks. As in any association, it is expected that a very active minority will take charge of maintaining the plants and harvesting, while other members will contribute in different ways depending on their skills and availability.

Michael Zoller, president of the Cannabis Social Club in Krefeld , shares his plans for the future: "We have already found a 600 square meter building for indoor planting, as well as a 1,000 square meter outdoor plot. At the CSC -Krefeld, we intend to explore both options as we have the space to grow indoors will allow harvests every two months all year round, but this involves higher costs, especially due to. electricity consumption On the other hand, outdoor cultivation helps reduce costs, but is limited to the period from May to November."

The launch of Cannabis Social Clubs marks the start of a new era of sharing, culture and responsibility in cannabis consumption in Germany. These clubs will provide members with the opportunity to cultivate and consume cannabis in a responsible and regulated manner, while fostering a spirit of community and solidarity within society.

Collaboration between clubs and associations: A continuing fight for adapted regulations

Despite the legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany and the launch of Cannabis Social Clubs (CSC), Michael Zoller , president of the Krefeld CSC, expresses reservations about the current law. “That’s not how we saw things, there is still work to do on our side to try to influence the legislator.”

The CSCs will primarily focus on the activities of planting, harvesting and distributing cannabis to members. However, the clubs are aware that the current law has gaps and aspects that are unsuitable for the needs of cannabis consumers. Therefore, before the launch of the clubs on July 1, 2024, everyone created political associations within the German Cannabis Federation (Deutscher Hanfverband) to continue to advocate for more realistic and adapted regulations.

Michael Zoller emphasizes: "We are not finished with legalization . Several aspects of the law are unrealistic or unsuitable for cannabis smokers, we will continue to inform on the subject." Among the points of contention, he mentions in particular the restrictions on the quantity of cannabis per month, the rules of distancing from establishments welcoming children, as well as the constraints linked to THC screening tests in urine.

Despite these challenges, the Krefeld CSC recorded the membership of 400 members in its association, ready to join the Cannabis Social Club from July 1st. Together, they hope to be able to legally harvest their cannabis plants at the end of 2024, while continuing to work for fairer regulations adapted to the reality of cannabis consumers in Germany.

Reinforced controls and severe penalties: The consequences of the legalization of cannabis in Germany and France on road safety

The legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany could have repercussions on France and its borders. With the geographical proximity between the two countries, it is possible that French consumers will travel to Germany to take advantage of the new legislation. However, this could lead to tougher border controls by German authorities, notably the Polizei and the police/gendarmerie. The latter could strengthen surveillance of people crossing the border, in particular by carrying out more frequent and rigorous checks.

During a traffic stop, German authorities could actually apply harsher penalties for driving under the influence of cannabis . Likewise, France could intensify checks on the roads to detect any offenses related to the consumption of cannabis while driving . This increased vigilance aims to ensure road safety and to deter drivers from driving under the influence of psychoactive substances, including cannabis . The consequences of driving under the influence of cannabis are serious and can lead to fatal accidents or cause irreparable harm. Therefore, it is essential that authorities strengthen their vigilance and apply dissuasive sanctions to protect the lives of drivers, passengers and other road users.

Additionally, it is important to remember that in all states where there has been decriminalization or legalization of cannabis , a zero tolerance policy and tougher penalties have often been adopted regarding driving under the influence. of this substance. In the event of a positive test during a cannabis saliva test or a multi-drug screening test carried out during a roadside check, the German authorities could apply more severe sanctions, such as higher fines, suspension of the driver's license. driving or even prison sentences, in order to deter driving under the influence of cannabis and ensure road safety. These measures could be put in place to prevent the risks of accidents linked to the consumption of cannabis while driving and to maintain public order.

In conclusion, the recent legalization of recreational cannabis in Germany opens new horizons in terms of the regulation of this substance in Europe. However, this legislative development also raises questions and challenges, particularly regarding its repercussions on neighboring countries such as France. With the prospect of increased controls at borders and on the roads, as well as tougher penalties for driving under the influence of cannabis, it is essential that consumers and authorities remain vigilant. Road safety must remain a top priority, and this requires effective cooperation and coordination between different national and international actors. As legislation evolves, it is imperative that appropriate measures are put in place to ensure that cannabis use remains safe and responsible, while safeguarding the safety and well-being of all road users. In this context, the use of THC (cannabis) saliva tests could play a crucial role in preventing dangerous behavior on the road and in preserving public safety.

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