Caroline Darian, une voix puissante dans la lutte contre la soumission chimique

Caroline Darian, a powerful voice in the fight against chemical submission

Caroline Darian is a committed woman who fights against the scourge of chemical submission by a loved one. Her mother was unknowingly drugged for years by her own father, who handed her over to strangers. Determined to prevent and detect this often overlooked phenomenon, Caroline is launching the #Mendorspas awareness campaign, supported by many personalities. Her poignant story and courageous fight aim to change mentalities and provide crucial support to victims.

The #Mendorspas campaign

Under the strong slogan #Mendorspas , Caroline Darian is launching an awareness campaign against chemical submission. This initiative aims to inform the public about this often little-known reality and to encourage prevention and early detection. The campaign is supported by many personalities who relay the message on social networks, thus creating a collective mobilization to combat this scourge.

A family drama revealed

The court case that affected Caroline Darian 's family revealed the scale of the problem of chemical submission. Her father was arrested after being caught filming under women's skirts. Investigators discovered thousands of photographs and videos showing his unconscious wife, raped by strangers. Caroline's mother had no knowledge of these actions until the evidence was presented to her. This family tragedy strengthened Caroline's determination to take action and raise awareness.

The trial of Dominique P. stands out as a significant event in raising awareness of chemical submission, a scourge that is still too little known. Arrested in September 2020, this seventy-year-old man, who until then seemed blameless, is accused of having drugged his own wife for a decade in order to allow strangers, recruited via the Internet, to rape her at their home in Mazan ( Vaucluse). The investigation, initially linked to a case of voyeurism, uncovered video recordings of these attacks, carefully classified by Dominique P. himself, revealing the involvement of 83 attackers, among whom 50 were identified. These individuals, some of whom visited the couple's home up to six times, will be tried before the Vaucluse criminal court from September, risking up to 20 years in prison. This trial therefore promises to be a key moment to recognize and combat chemical submission, bringing this alarming issue to public attention.

The case of Dominique P., marked by serious accusations of chemical submission and organized rape against his wife, also reveals deeply disturbing transgressions of family privacy. In addition to these inhumane acts, Dominique is also accused of having violated the privacy of his two daughters-in-law and his own daughter, Caroline, by photographing them naked or in suggestive postures without their consent, using devices hidden. These sordid revelations, which include Dominique P.'s denial regarding the drugging or assault of Caroline, add an additional dimension of deviance to a trial already largely loaded with accusations against him.

Overcoming preconceived ideas

Chemical submission, as Caroline Darian points out, is not limited to the widespread image of drugs poured into a glass of alcohol at a nightclub. It also occurs within the family sphere, often with the help of commonly available medications. This general lack of awareness makes the scale of the problem even more worrying. The #Mendorspas campaign aims to expand the general public's knowledge of the different forms of chemical submission and to break preconceived ideas.

Symptoms and early detection

The campaign emphasizes the importance of recognizing the symptoms of chemical submission. Loved ones may witness strange behavior and unexplained symptoms in victims. By raising public awareness of these warning signs, Caroline Darian hopes to encourage relatives to accompany victims to carry out toxicological analyzes. Early detection can help save lives and ensure adequate care.

Raising awareness among the medical profession

A crucial aspect of the campaign is awareness and training of health professionals. Caroline Darian deplores the lack of training of doctors to detect cases of chemical submission. She wants the symptoms and preventive measures to be better known to the medical profession. Physicians play a critical role in identifying and caring for victims of chemical submission. The campaign aims to raise awareness among healthcare professionals so that they are able to discuss this diagnosis and provide adequate support to affected patients.

A collective commitment

The #Mendorspas campaign has attracted the commitment of many personalities such as Olivia Ruiz , Daphné Bürki and Roxana Maracineanu , who have decided to actively support this cause. These media personalities bring increased visibility to the campaign and help raise awareness among a wide audience. Chemical submission affects not only women, but also children and the elderly. It is essential that society as a whole mobilizes to prevent this scourge and protect the most vulnerable.


Caroline Darian is a powerful voice in the fight against chemical submission by a loved one. Its #Mendorspas campaign aims to raise public awareness, prevent and detect this devastating phenomenon. Through her personal story and her unwavering commitment, Caroline aspires to change mentalities, break the silence and offer essential support to victims. The #Mendorspas campaign is a call to action for the entire society to mobilize against this scourge, to protect individuals and preserve their dignity.

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