Hommage à Béatrice Stambul,présidente de l’association française de réduction des risques

Tribute to Béatrice Stambul, president of the French association for risk reduction

A woman of conviction, she will always be a model of commitment. She has dedicated her life and career to fighting the stigma and marginalization of drug users.



Psychiatrist and woman of science, concerned about the physical and mental well-being of patients and consumers of psychoactive substances, she tirelessly supported partnership work and the implementation of innovative actions of prevention, risk reduction linked to the drug use and treatment, as close as possible to the needs of consumers.

As president of the French association for risk reduction , she worked with determination to strengthen cohesion between the various actors and build a united collective, overcoming divisions and giving users a central place.

The fights of Béatrice Stambul in her city of heart Marseille found an echo at the national level. President of Bus 31/32 and Asud Mars Say Yeah, she was involved in all preventive actions, such as the Plus belle la nuit project, or care support for people in precarious situations or with dual diagnoses; its support for the microstructures system testifies to its attachment to the concept of care pathways. His mobilization during the coordination of the project to open the Addiction Treatment Center in Marseille was decisive.

The risk and harm reduction policy aimed at drug users aims to prevent the transmission of infections, mortality from overdose by intravenous drug injection and the social and psychological damage linked to drug addiction by substances classified as narcotics.

The risk reduction policy was born in France from the appearance of HIV among drug addicts in the 1980s. risk reduction to avoid contamination through re-use or exchange of injection equipment.

From 1987, the State gradually developed, in close collaboration with associations and stakeholders in the field of drug addiction and the fight against AIDS, a policy aimed at preventing health and social problems linked to drug consumption. The strategy is based on the observation that drug users can change their practices if given the opportunity. The program essentially consists of facilitating access to sterile syringes, but also to screening (HIV, HCV, etc.) and to treatment.

- The circular of April 12, 1995 confirms the support of the public authorities for the development of the first front-line reception facilities (shops, buses, syringe exchanges) under the impetus of humanitarian associations, HIV-positive patients or users ( self-support)

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