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Road Safety: Our THC and Multi-Drug Saliva Tests Can Prevent the Risks of Positive Controls

Road Safety is launching an awareness campaign on the serious consequences of drug use while driving, a major factor in accidents on French roads. The figures are alarming: according to official statistics, one in five fatal accidents in 2022 was caused by a driver under the influence of drugs. This reality is particularly worrying among young drivers, because in 58% of cases, the drivers involved were between 18 and 24 years old.

To illustrate the urgency of the situation, the director of Road Safety, Florence Guillaume, went to Fleury-Mérogis to attend a road check. Law enforcement has stepped up drug controls , with 764,331 screenings carried out in 2022, an increase compared to previous years. This upward trend should continue in 2023, according to Florence Guillaume, who underlines the importance of the education associated with these checks to raise driver awareness.

In response to this growing concern, stricter measures are being considered. In July, Élisabeth Borne announced the desire to strengthen sanctions and make license suspension compulsory in the event of driving under the influence of drugs . Although this intention remains, it requires legislative support, which involves preparatory work for the implementation of these measures.

In this context, Toda Pharma Drugdiag Saliva THC and Multidrug saliva tests play a crucial role in preventing the risks of positive controls. Available for sale on our online store, these saliva tests allow everyone to check their own situation and avoid the dangers associated with driving under the influence of drugs.

In 2022, 3,260 people lost their lives on the roads of France. Faced with this worrying reality, the Road Safety awareness campaign aims to remind everyone of the individual responsibility not to drive under the influence of drugs, for the safety of all on the roads.

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